Korean culture 101
Some do's and don'ts I've learned over the past week from a Korean friend, a Korean waitress and program organizers:
- Generally, instead of a handshake, give out a business card - using two hands, thumbs on top and fingers together underneath, with elbows bent. Receive cards the same way.
- When handing someone a cup of tea, however, use one hand and touch the other hand to the inside of your elbow. (Things other than business cards or teacups are still a little murky.)
- When entering a room with a group of people, walk in most senior to least senior (rank or age), and walk out in reverse. Never turn your back when leaving a room; instead, back out.
- The most senior person eats first, decides when phone conversations are over and shakes hands first (if there are handshakes).
- When dining with seniors, turn away from the table to drink (any drink), and cover your mouth as you sip.
- Women should always cover their mouths when they laugh.
- Bow in greeting; the more senior the person in rank (and possibly age), the deeper the bow.
- Never curl a finger to call a person to you; instead, turn your hand palm down and sweep at the air.
Now, few of these things are expected of tourists, but as someone living in the the country and working in a prestigious position (yes, teaching - can you imagine?) with Koreans, these are mannerisms I will need to adopt. I'll keep you posted on how that goes ... but you can imagine that it won't be smoothly. :)
Also had a full Korean meal for the first time in my life this week - much to the amusement of my friend who dined with me, the waitress and the other patrons in the place (all Koreans). My tentative "thank you" in Korean - the only phrase I eventually mastered that evening - brought huge guffaws ... not quite sure what I said - and it's probably better that way. As far as the food, I guess I'd envisioned something more similar to the other Asian styles I've tried ... but it was totally unlike any other genre and quite tasty. Plenty more about that in the months to come, I'd imagine.
Maybe instead of thank you, what you really said was, "get your black people straight!" And we all know how that feels. Well, at least, I do.
Kansahhamnidah, no?
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