
blog additions

You'll notice I added a couple images, and also note the "chatterbox" on the right column - feel free to leave me travel suggestions by putting in your name and comment and hitting "post."

There are also now buttons at the bottom of each post to quickly e-mail whatever ridiculous thing I've said to your cousin in Taiwan or whomever.

More changes to come eventually ...


program info

I've put a link to the basic program info (including some pictures of the area and architects' drawings of what the village is supposed to look like by August) at the right side of this page. Also, I plan to do some major surgery on this site over the next few weeks, so don't be shocked if it looks significantly different the next time you stop by.

Have a great day, all!


updates via e-mail

If you want to be notified by e-mail when this blog is updated, put your e-mail address in the Blogarithm form on the right side of this page and click the "Keep it fresh" button. You'll be taken to a screen that will give you further instructions.

If you already have a Blogarithm account, you can log into the Blogarithm site and simply add this Web address to your watch list.


it's in ink

I'm signed and sealed to set off for Korea this July. The plan is to teach for a year through the English Village project outside Daegu, then who knows - Korea, China, Latin America ... or perhaps back to good old Colorado.

But no adventure would be complete without those who got me there, so I'll be taking y'all along, chronicalling the journey here from time to time for friends, family and random virtual passers-by.

Stay tuned!